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How long will you ignore HTURT-TRUTH

Ignoring the young mind of a growing individual once blameless in ignorance now able to understand as one does the moment words flow from the lips of another is looked at as a rock at the very bottom of an ocean, unseen-unwanted-unsought-to all, yet to none just something co-existing by an unwanted force of another's greed and desire to live without hearing a word flow from the young mind of a growing individual once blameless in ignorance now able to understand.-Christopher L. Ford (2011)

How often do we seek help in our lives and when it is presented to us in an unwanted fashion do we turn away from it as it there is nothing our sent help can deliver us from?

Why does the confused soul prefer to live in repeated circles when the key which can free themselves to move on they deny as if the circle of sorrow is enjoyed simply because so many circles in the same cycle have been completed they are comfortable living knowing what to expect while all the while lieing to the souls of others about the change they want to take place they hate to live with?

We as people procastinate about a lot of things, but it's what things we procastinate about that determine our happiness. A blessing GOD bestowed upon the many inhabitants of EARTH is to be able to choose your destiny. -Christopher L. Ford (2011)

This is in no way impling any of you are not living in truth. It's a thought, and for some they may have been that ignored mind. This is me saying don't ignore the mind that comes your way even if you feel you can't stand it. There just may be something you have to hear that you have been running away from.

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